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We are aware of the confidence you demonstrate when you visit our site and provide us with your personal information. This Privacy Notice is posted to express our commitment to online security and customer service practices. Any information we collect is used to improve your experience on our site, to provide services to you and to communicate with you about information that you request. We may also use this information to help us target specific offers to you and to help us develop and improve our site.

Personal Information

We do not require any personal information from you to browse our website. When you place an order or create an account with us we do require your name, billing and shipping address, phone number, e-mail address and credit card information. This information is for the purpose of confirming, shipping, and charging your order. Your phone number will only be used for our internal purposes.


We do use cookies to collect generic information, such as how you use our site and what you’ve collected in your shopping bag. This helps us make our website better for our customers. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your hard drive that enables us to collect this information. It does not hold or save any personal information.

Through the use of cookies, we may also collect and analyze the IP address used to connect your computer to the Internet; computer and connection information such as your browser type and version; operating system and platform; purchase history; confirmation when you open e-mail that we send you; and the URLs which lead you to and around the Site including the date and time. You can generally set your browser to reject cookies or to notify you when you are sent a cookie. Please know that if you disable cookies you will be unable to add items to the shopping basket and we will be unable to accept any online orders from you.

Sharing of Information with Third Parties

We will not rent, sell or otherwise disclose your Personal Information to unrelated third parties without your consent, except as stated below in this Privacy Notice.

Credit Card Companies: If you place an order through the Site, the Personal Information you provide is transmitted to your credit card company to verify and authorize your purchase.

Shippers: If you make a purchase through the Site, your name, telephone number and shipping information must be provided to third party shippers such as UPS and the United States Postal Service to deliver your purchase. There also may be instances in which we drop-ship orders directly to you from one of our manufacturers or suppliers. These drop-shippers are only given your name, postal address, and telephone number for the sole purpose of fulfilling your order.

Law Enforcement and Protection of Users: To the extent permitted by law, we will disclose Personal Information to government authorities or third parties pursuant to a legal request, subpoena or other legal process. We may also use or disclose your information as permitted by law to perform charge verification, report or collect debts owed, fight fraud or protect our rights or property as well as those of our affiliates, customers, or its users. You should be aware that, following disclosure to any third party, your Personal Information may be accessible by others to the extent permitted or required by applicable law.


We employ 128-bit encryption technology in all areas of our site which require you to provide your personal or account information, including those areas related to online ordering, order status, catalog request and contest forms. The site utilizes industry-standard firewalls and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to allow for the encryption of potentially sensitive Personal Information, such as your name, address and credit card number. We use the industry standard SSL certificate. 

To help ensure others will not have access to your credit card and personal information while on our Web site, we urge you to sign off your account and close your browser window when you have finished your visit, especially if you are sharing a computer with someone else or are using a computer in a public place. Never email your credit card information to us or anyone else.

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Cotton Barn Home Decor is an online business based in Sumter, SC, USA.

© 2020 by Cotton Barn Home Decor. 

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